Buy and Sell Used Plugins

Find the best deals on used / 2nd hand VST licenses.

Explore theVST Marketplace

The best place to buy used plugins

Our platform makes it easy for you to negotiate and transfer used VST plugins licenses in real time, all while keeping things simple.

Real-Time Negotiations

Negotiate offers with the seller directly on the platform before moving forward with the official license transfer. A safe, smooth process for both parties.

No Money Handling

We don't handle any payments directly. The actual payment and official license transfer are managed by the plugin developer.

Transfer Pages for Both Buyers and Sellers

Each user has a dedicated page for the transfer process, where the buyer and seller can track the status in real time.

product page

Made simple.

Buy or send offers — in one convenient page!

edit your product

Easily. Drag and drop images, media links and more, updating information made super easy and fast.

Receive offers

In realtime! Zero chats, fast and efficient negotiation between both parties in realtime.

And many more...

Realtime Negotiations & Notifications
Product Creation Summary
Discover the advantages of our platform
Spam-Free Zone🚫Once you sell your first item, you pay for credits.
easy-to-use platformEnabling fast, effective and clear software transactions.
Real time messagingConnect with buyers and sellers for an enhanced experience.

How it works

Implementing a credit system is vital for our platform, serving multiple purposes beyond site maintenance.

First interaction

New sellerCreate listing
Buyer"Purchase" the item (new transfer)

The buyer waits for the seller to purchase credits, and the page updates automatically once the seller has bought the credits.

New sellerMUST purchase initial credits

Must unlock the ability to sell products, receive money, send direct messages and build reputation upon first credits purchase.

BuyerSends the money
New sellerTransfer the license

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions are arranged in a relevant order to facilitate understanding.